
Summer - Fall Newsletter, 2023

The 2023 Summer — Fall Newsletter is here and it’s full of powerful patient stories, a letter from Rhonda about her upcoming retirement, updates on how you can help spread the word about Thrive Medical Clinic and so much more! Please click the button below to read the newsletter. And thank you to each and every one of our amazing supporters, volunteers and prayer warriors for sustaining and strengthening this ministry. Your work is changing lives and saving precious babies right here in our community. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

Rhonda Wrede - Executive Director

One Year as Thrive Medical Clinic

There are so many women and men in our community who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and truly believe abortion is their only choice.

But when they see their baby’s beating heart during the ultrasound and learn that there is a loving community empowering them with solutions, resources and support, they realize they do have a choice, and many courageously choose life!

When we look back over our first year as Thrive Medical Clinic (TMC), we are in awe of what God has done through you. There are children alive and loved today, because of the love and care their mothers and fathers have received through you and your support.

God has blessed and grown this ministry in abundant ways this past year. We have some big updates to share with you! 

  • We bought our building! In 2022, God opened the doors for us to buy our building and provided the funds through all of you! Your gifts have enabled us to double our space, and to repair and remodel our building with excellence. Thank you for investing in a building that will be serving our community and saving lives for years to come!

  • Increased staff, operating hours, and resources: To reach women and men considering abortion at their immediate time of need, we have increased our hours, added to our staff, and will soon be implementing online scheduling! Thanks to your support, scheduling an appointment at Thrive Medical Clinic is now easier and more accessible than ever before. This increased accessibility is truly saving lives! 

  • Abortion Pill Reversal: Thrive Medical Clinic is the only pregnancy center north of Grand Rapids that is able to offer this life saving protocol! Women are being pressured to make abortion decisions completely alone and incredibly fast and many come to regret their decision immediately upon taking the first abortion pill. With Abortion Pill Reversal, they can choose again and give their baby a chance to live, and these mothers and fathers can live without the pain and regret of abortion. You made this possible!

  • Launched Thrive Forward: In order for people to thrive through an unplanned pregnancy, they need to know they won’t be alone. We want to prove to them that there is a whole community waiting to surround them in support for as long as they need - from essential baby and maternity supplies, to coaching and mentorship for both mothers and fathers, and connections to other vital local resources. Thrive Forward also hosts group events to create connection for parents who otherwise feel starved for community. Thrive Forward’s ongoing set of resources creates opportunities for repeated experiences of Jesus’ love through interactions with our staff, and also creates an environment where these moms can grow in friendships with each other. 

  • Launched Thrive Shop: Thrive Shop was created as a tool for awareness and connection. When you wear Thrive shop items, you not only spread awareness for Thrive Medical Clinic, but it also builds trust with potential patients (many of whom are your friends, coworkers, acquaintances, etc), because they can associate Thrive with someone they know, like, and trust vs an organization that’s unfamiliar. This has been more impactful than we could have prayed for.


This is all God’s provision through you - every hour volunteered, every dollar and item donated, every prayer, every single one of you are making a life-altering impact! Your individual part may seem small to you, but please believe us when we say that it matters and we couldn’t do this without you!

Because of you, Thrive can reach more people with the love and hope of Jesus, and see more people choose life for their baby

Summer - Fall Newsletter, 2022

By Rhonda Wrede, Executive Director

With the introduction of self-managed abortion and a 7% increase in overall abortion rates since 2017*, the challenges facing abortion-vulnerable women and men are at an all-time high. The needs of our patients are great and the time to offer life-saving resources and support is now!

The vision of Thrive Medical Clinic (TMC) is to give every woman and man considering abortion the opportunity to confirm their pregnancy through an ultrasound (allowing them to see their child for themselves), to receive information about their pregnancy options from a source that doesn’t profit from or push abortion, and to learn about the realistic solutions, practical resources, and loving support that would empower them to parent their child or make an adoption plan.

It’s our dream that these precious women, men, and children can thrive, not just survive.

But one person cannot carry out this mission alone. It takes all of us working together. As you read the stories contained in this newsletter, you will see how donors, volunteers, board members, staff and, of course, the Holy Spirit are all essential.

The only way for our patients to thrive is for all of us to do our part. Here is a heartwarming quote from a recent TMC patient review that confirms this truth: “[The staff] was so helpful and gave me so much peace. I am so, so glad I came here. I feel like I have the information and resources I need to make the best decision for me.”

We are truly thriving together! Thank you in advance for your continued support of Thrive Medical Clinic. You are loved and appreciated!

*source Guttmacher Institute June 2022

Winter-Spring Newsletter

Winter-Spring Newsletter

Thrive Medical Clinic (TMC) is a reality, not only to our staff and supporters but to our patients, those who need us the most.

As I have watched the transformation of our name, logo, and building into Thrive Medical Clinic, I am overwhelmed when I look at all you have accomplished.

Yes, I am genuinely blown away because I know that there is no way any of this could have happened without your generous support! In fact, you gave in record ways in 2021 because you believe in the vision that God has called TMC to fulfill. And we have only just begun!

Twenty twenty-two is sure to hold even more challenges for our patients. But with your help, TMC will be there to help these women and men to Thrive, not just survive.

Year End Letter, 2021

Year End Letter, 2021

Dear friend of TMC,

At Thrive Medical Clinic (TMC), we are motivated by what we love, unborn babies and their moms and dads. Each year we serve hundreds of abortion-vulnerable women and men by offering grace; not by applying guilt.

Thrive Medical Clinic exists to provide women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy with the solutions, practical resources, and caring support that they need to thrive, not just survive.

Life Care Newsletter, Fall 2019

Life Care Newsletter, Fall 2019

It is humbling and eye-opening to look back and recognize how God has been preparing Pregnancy Care Center to be led forward in new and exciting ways. Sometimes, as a staff, we laugh about how God has been keeping us on our toes, never letting us get too settled or comfortable! Some days can be a complete whirlwind of surprises: blessings, challenges and unknowns. And, while it’s easy to rejoice when we see how the Lord is blessing us, not every surprise is exciting at first glance. But it is so comforting to know that all things are in His control – this is His ministry, after-all!

Life Care Newsletter Oct-Dec

Very Abortion-Minded

By Sandy Moon RDMS, Clinic Director and Sonographer

Recently, a woman came into our office who was strongly considering abortion. She had been sexually active with several men and felt that if the father of the baby was a particular partner, she would carry to term. But, if the other man had fathered the child, she would choose abortion. I am unsure if the patient had completely processed the reality that, in her way of thinking, the timing of conception determined whether the child lived or died.   
When we performed the ultrasound, the mom was faced with the reality that she was carrying a small person inside of her womb. She also had to come to terms with the gravity of her decision and its effect on her life and that of her unborn child. By the time we finished her sonogram she was wanting to see more of her child. Since she was only 4 or 5 weeks along we could only see limited features on the monitor. So, we scheduled a follow-up appointment at which she was able to see her 7 week old baby in much more detail. When she saw her baby’s heart beating she said, “oh my gosh, that’s in me?” She became excited and said, “no matter who the father is, I’m going to keep this baby.” She went on to give the baby an endearing nick-name. The details of this patient’s life style may seem foreign to some of our readers. I can only imagine what has transpired in the woman’s life to bring her to such a place for her to choose to be sexually active with multiple partners...CLICK BELOW TO READ THE REST OF THIS PATIENT'S STORY!

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Life Care Newsletter Oct-Dec 2016

The Joy of blessing others

I am sure you have heard what Jesus said; “It is a greater blessing to give than receive”. At PCC, each time someone walks through our doors we experience that joy. Our faithful supporters and volunteers make this possible. 
   I’d like to share one such supporter’s story. About a year ago a gentleman came into the clinic. He wanted to donate a diamond wedding ring to our center to bless someone else in need. We accepted this unique gift and began to pray about what to do with it. 
   Many of our moms who come to us for help are unwed; we always encourage them to bring the father of the baby with them, if possible, to their appointments. Our goal is to encourage and advocate for abundant life for them as a family unit if that is possible. 
   As it happened, we had a young couple come in for an ultrasound who, when they saw the monitor and a picture of their baby, were overcome with emotion and excitement. It was a powerful moment for the couple to see their baby wiggling and hear the heartbeat of their child!

 As our Patient Care Assistant talked with them, they shared that they wanted to get married. They had already picked out a wedding dress; the only thing holding them back was that they didn’t have a ring. We mentioned that we might be able to help, and they both lit up with curiosity. It was a Cinderella moment when the ring was brought in and it fit perfectly! We could hear the sound of wedding bells as we shared in the excitement! 
   PCC is more than a medical clinic or counseling center; we support the entire life of our visitors and everything they are facing. Thanks to all who support and pray for us so regularly. 
Sandy Moon, RDMS
Clinic Director

Celebrating 25 Years!

Pregnancy Care Center has a rich history of God’s people coming together to defend the most innocent! This year truly is a celebration year of how He is working through many businesses, churches, and individuals to impact our community in life affirming ways. One of those individuals who is making a positive impact for the community is Rhonda Watson, who’s celebrating 25 years as Executive Director!  

"What I appreciate so much about Rhonda is her heart for and total commitment to Pregnancy Care Center and how she allows God to work through her to minister to the needs of others. I know I speak for the entire Board of Directors when I say that we thank God for Rhonda"
- Stephanie Tietje, Board Chair  

I am the vine. You are the branches. If I remain in you, and you in me, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.
— 1 John 15:5

Pregnancy Care Center Quarterly Update

Our hearts are filled with gratitude & thanksgiving for the many fabulous ways God is championing moms and dads at PCC through YOU! 

  • Very first WLJN Radio Dare to Share Event: We exceeded our fundraising goal of $22,800 thanks to WLJN and YOU!

  • First ever Eat Bread to Raise Dough Panera Bread Fundraiser: A fabulous opportunity for supporters in the community to come together, eat amazing food and support life! We raised almost $450 and had 170 flyers cashed in. Thanks Panera Bread Traverse City!

  • We had our most successful Baby Bottle Boomerang ever: $47,800 and counting raised for the Ultrasound Ministry. Thank you to all of the churches and individuals who took part in this amazing event! 

  • Ongoing social media outreach to women & men who need our services as well as friends and supporters who make Pregnancy Care Center's goals a reality! Check us out!